When you've been there, you know
I wasn't always a successful, multi-passionate business owner. But I did know, I always wanted to be one. Growing up you could find me selling PB&J's and golf balls on a local golf course. Today, you can find me empowering women to transform through either inner development, pole dance, or business consulting.
But to be totally honest, I've had the odds stacked against me more times than I can count. Divorce, bankruptcy, rumors - all of it. Adversity has always been a part of my story (and maybe it's been a part of yours too?).
But here's the thing... it doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down. It's all about getting back up and growing through what you go through.
And that's exactly what I've done.
A Few of the Titles I Answer To:
Boutique Business Coach for Female Entrepreneurs
When you're knocked down, there are 2 choices. Stay where you land or get back up and continue on your journey. My choice has always been to get back up and now I'm helping other women do the exact same. Seeing women transform from stuck to thriving is what makes my soul sing. So today, you'll find me leading small groups and coaching clients one on one.
Studio Owner
When I first started my business, it was only me in the room. After filling up fast with clients and finding success quickly after opening my first studio, I soon realized this could be a whole lot more than just fun for me! Through a lot of trial and error, I've been in business for over 10 years and now I help others succeed in their businesses. I also am a Board Member of CPFI Board (Certified Pole Fitness Instructor) where I support the Pole Industry as a whole in making sure we stay safe, up to date, and informed.
Podcast Host
On my podcast, "Life Redesigned", you'll find encouragement weekly alongside stories that inspire action in every listener (and even interviews from people just like us). We all have different backgrounds, but at heart we're all striving for something - whether that's to be happy, become wealthy, achieve a work-life balance or just make a difference in the world. And that means we can all learn from each other. The best way to find out how is to ask questions and listen to the answers. Tune in, and let's start redesigning our lives together!

Essentially a mood board


